
1. 大公司裡的員工也有家庭要養。更何況,小商店可能付給員工更少、福利更少,甚至不合基本薪資,而且政府更不會抓(台灣的早餐店都是當地商店,但是多少員工符合基本工資?)。

2. 當地商店未必比較環保,東西品質也未必比較高(食品、清潔用品、化妝品.... )。

3. 小商店的定價更不透明,更容易因人溢價。(知道你好騙,所以故意買貴一點)

4. 你會買當地小商店生產製造的電腦或手機嗎?


It's not the size of the company that matters here. What's more important is the way the company treats its employees, whether the company rewards its employees fairly for their time, and whether or not the company behaves ethically as a whole, in the context of wider society.

In certain cases, larger companies (located further away) may even be more environmentally-friendly, as they are able to achieve economies of scale, reducing waste in ways not available for small companies, regardless of whether or not they are local.

Reducing goodness to binary options of "local versus remote", and "small versus large" is an oversimplification. In reality, we need to evaluate individual companies on their own merits.